Neti Pot Imported

Neti Pot Imported

  • R 330.00

A Himalayan Salt Neti Pot naturally cleanses, refreshes, and protects the nasal passages, one of your body’s first lines of defense against illness. Recommended today by doctors and pharmacists worldwide, the Himalayan Salt Neti Pot has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda medicine to alleviate sinus and allergy problems. 

Preparing the Nasal Wash

  1. Mix a 1/4 teaspoon of finely ground non-iodized Himalayan Salt in a cup of warm sterile water. Use the purest salt available because impurities in the salt can be irritating. Lean forward and turn your head to one side over the sink, keeping the forehead at the same height as the chin, or slightly higher.
  2. Gently insert the spout in the upper nostril so it forms a comfortable seal.
  3. Raise the Neti Pot gradually so the saline solution flows in through your upper nostril and out of the lower nostril. Breathe through your mouth.
  4. When the Neti Pot is empty, face the sink and exhale vigorously without pinching the nostrils.
  5. Refill the Neti Pot and repeat on the other side. Again, exhale vigorously to clear the nasal passages.
  6. Do one or more of the recommended exercises to drain any remaining saline solution.


  1. Throughly clean your Neti Pot after each use. Periodically place it in your dishwasher for a thorough sanitizing. Same as a toothbrush, do not share your Neti Pot with anyone else. Everyone in the household should have their own.
  2. If you experience burning in the nose, it often means you have not used enough salt. Make sure you are using a 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt 
  3. You may notice improved breathing, smell and taste.
  4. If you experience any discomfort please discontinue using your Neti Pot and consult your doctor or other health care provider.

After the Nasal Wash

You may need to do a few simple exercises below to expel any saline solution remaining in your nose. Everyone needs to do the first exercise; others will also need to do one or both of the others. The first few times you use the Neti Pot, try them all. Form a habit of doing any which cause water to drain from the nostrils.

  1. Exhalations:
    Exhale vigorously through both nostrils while holding your head over the sink. Quickly drawing the abdomen toward the spine with each exhalation will make your exhalations more forceful. If you exhale into a tissue, be careful not to pinch the nostrils closed while exhaling.
  2. Forward Bending:
    Bend forward from the waist far enough so that the top of the head is pointing toward the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to standing. Follow this movement with a few vigorous exhalations.
  3. Alternate Toe Touching:
    Place your feet two to three feet apart. Raise the arms out to the side at shoulder height. Slowly bend from the waist and bring the left hand to the right knee, shin, or foot (whichever you can reach without straining). Reach up toward the ceiling with the right hand; turn the head gently and look toward the raised hand. Hold this position for a few seconds. Come back to standing and repeat the movement to the left. Exhale vigorously through the nose. When you’ve practiced this routine a few times, you’ll find it takes less time than brushing and flossing your teeth.

In order to reap the accumulative benefits from the  NETI POT, we suggest that you use the instrument daily in order to help keep sinuses clean and to make breathing easier and more free until you feel more comfortable and satisfied.

Go ahead, try it! Let us know what you think.